Current Patients: 219-464-7191
New Patients: 219-898-4311


What Is TMJ Disorder?
added on: November 15, 2023

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ or TMD) is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, causing pain, discomfort, and difficulty in everyday activities like eating and speaking. However, TMJ disorder can often be confusing, and patients dealing with the symptoms may have trouble finding a diagnosis and relief. That’s where… Read More…

Can Stress Cause Oral Health Problems?
added on: April 24, 2020
stressed man

As we all know, recently everyone’s life has quickly changed, and we’re all experiencing a temporary new normal. But with change and uncertainty also comes quite a bit of stress. Your dentist in Valparaiso understands, and we’re with you. While we’re sure that trying your best to avoid getting stressed… Read More…

Is Biting Your Lip Bad For You?
added on: January 17, 2020
woman biting lip

When we accidentally bite our lip, the pain that follows can be concerning. The zing of pain, and maybe even some blood, can certainly cause us to think that we may have just done some serious damage. But is lip-biting actually bad for you? Let’s check in with your dentist… Read More…

Why Crooked Teeth Are Worrisome
added on: December 20, 2019
smiling girl with crooked teeth

Many people, both children, and adults alike, have crooked teeth. Occasionally, crooked teeth can contribute to poor self-esteem and loss of confidence. But even if crooked teeth don’t bother someone mentally, your dentist in Valparaiso may still be worried. The truth is, crooked teeth can lead to some oral health… Read More…

Stress & Oral Health
added on: January 11, 2019
woman with stress

Even though the craziness of the holidays is behind us, it doesn’t necessarily mean our stress levels have decreased. Everyday life can certainly cause anxiety and contribute to more stress. As many people know, stress can impact our health and overall well-being, but did you know stress can also contribute… Read More…

Migraine Awareness Month
added on: June 11, 2018
woman with a headache

June is recognized as National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month and serves to not only educate the population on this debilitating illness, but also to increase funding to advance migraine research and treatment options. While numerous causes can be to blame, our dental office in Valparaiso wants to take a… Read More…

Can All This Holiday Stress Affect Your Oral Health?
added on: November 27, 2017
holiday stress

Every year around this time, we begin the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Coordinating schedules, braving the crowds at the grocery store and in the mall, cooking meals, and all the craziness that comes along with preparing for the holidays is bound to increase stress levels. But during a… Read More…

Posted In: Oral Health, TMJ/D

Can a Custom Night Guard Help Stop Tooth Grinding?
added on: September 25, 2017
dental night guard

Tooth grinding is a surprisingly common problem that affects many people. The frustrating part is you may not even realizing that you’re a grinder. At our dental office in Valparaiso, we understand that tooth grinding, also known as bruxism, can most often be experienced during sleep, when you have no… Read More…

Posted In: TMJ/D, Oral Health

4 Habits That Are Destroying Your Teeth
added on: July 26, 2017
woman biting her nails

Even if you brush twice a day, floss each night, and visit our dental office in Valparaiso at least twice a year, you may be doing other things that could be damaging your smile… and you may not even know it. Today we’d like to talk about some of the… Read More…