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Why Do Dentists Poke at Your Gums and Say Numbers?
added on: December 16, 2023

Have you ever wondered why, during a dental checkup, your dentist in Valparaiso pokes your gums and starts calling out seemingly random numbers to their assistant? It might feel like a secret code or a mysterious ritual, but fear not – there’s a method to this madness, and it’s all about… Read More…

How Can You Tell If Someone Has Gum Disease?
added on: November 26, 2022
Joseph Majka, DDS

Gum disease is one of the many oral health conditions that can affect other parts of the body. It’s a potentially serious infection that can lead to anything from tooth loss to cardiovascular diseases. Gum disease can’t be reversed by your dentist in Valparaiso in its more advanced stages, so it’s… Read More…

What Can I Do If Food Always Gets Stuck Between My Teeth?
added on: June 22, 2022
Joseph Majka, DDS

There are certain foods that are almost guaranteed to get stuck in between your teeth. Things like seeds, broccoli, spinach, and meat products usually require a good flossing to remove all of the food particles left behind. But did you know that if you always get food stuck in between… Read More…

Don’t Let Stress Damage Your Teeth
added on: February 15, 2021
stressed man with mask

The past year or so has been… interesting, to say the least. With lockdowns, working from home, schooling from home, and everything in between, it’s only normal to feel more stressed than usual. But during these times of increased stress, it’s more important than ever to take care of your… Read More…

Oral Health Tips for Diabetics   
added on: November 17, 2020
Joseph Majka, DDS

Diabetes is a disease that keeps the body from properly processing food into usable energy. If diabetes is not controlled or maintained, it can lead to overall health concerns such as heart disease, eye problems, kidney failure, and oral health complications. In fact, there is a known link between diabetes… Read More…

Why Are My Gum Receding?
added on: July 20, 2020
woman with gum pain

When it comes to your oral health, it’s no surprise that your dentist in Valparaiso puts so much importance on taking proper care of your teeth. But did you know that your gums are another crucial aspect to overall oral health? In fact, our gums are just as important to… Read More…

The Surprising Connection Between Gum Disease & Heart Disease
added on: February 12, 2020
heart health month

Every February, we celebrate Heart Health Month to raise awareness of how we can both evaluate our risk for heart disease as well as what we can do to reduce that risk. While it may seem out of character to hear your dentist in Valparaiso talk about heart health, the… Read More…

Why Crooked Teeth Are Worrisome
added on: December 20, 2019
smiling girl with crooked teeth

Many people, both children, and adults alike, have crooked teeth. Occasionally, crooked teeth can contribute to poor self-esteem and loss of confidence. But even if crooked teeth don’t bother someone mentally, your dentist in Valparaiso may still be worried. The truth is, crooked teeth can lead to some oral health… Read More…

The Great American Smokeout & Your Oral Health
added on: November 21, 2019

Every November, the American Cancer Society sponsors the Great American Smokeout to encourage smokers to quit. As we all know, smoking can lead to serious health problems such as cancer, heart disease, and lung disease. Your dentist in Valparaiso also wants you to know that smoking can have a negative… Read More…

Gum Disease & Your Overall Health
added on: June 10, 2019
checking gums with mirror

Your dental care isn’t only about your teeth. Your gums also play a key role in not only the health of your mouth but also the health of your body. At our dental office in Valparaiso, we care for your entire mouth and are always on the lookout for gum… Read More…

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